More driving music. For M & me.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Omani Arabic-for my girl in Jordan- part 1

Oman can be grouped into different language regions with different accents. I find it fun to guess where people are from based on their clothing and accents. I love anthropology! [The map above is of the regions in Oman].
Muscati is different from the dialects near the UAE border, and the interior dialects are different from these, and the Eastern Coastal dialects are distinct, and then the Southern dialects are very similar to Yemeni except the mountain dialects which are very unique.
The sedentary dialect of Oman proper sounds closest to the dialect of Qatif and the Bahraini Shi'a (according to Kees Versteegh), while the bedouin dialect is basically the same as the speech of the bedouins of the UAE and southeastern Saudi Arabia (a sort of bedouin-Gulf hybrid, where ج is prononced ي). Southern Oman can be grouped as very similar to Southern Yemen (7adhramaut), including pronouncing جـ as [g] .
In Muscat:
The future tense formation (Gulf: with ba-; Yemen: with sha-; Oman: ba)
The present continuous (Gulf: null or with gaa3ed; Yemen: ?; Oman: null)
Interrogation (Gulf: wish(shu), shino, shu, etc.; Yemen: maa; Oman: muu [muu is interior], as well as Waish. [*In Muscat they say aish, near the UAE border they say shu*]
The future tense formation (Gulf: with ba-; Yemen: with sha-; Oman: ba)
The present continuous (Gulf: null or with gaa3ed; Yemen: ?; Oman: null)
Interrogation (Gulf: wish(shu), shino, shu, etc.; Yemen: maa; Oman: muu [muu is interior], as well as Waish. [*In Muscat they say aish, near the UAE border they say shu*]
In Muscat jeem is geem but the qaaf is correct.
In UAE border dialects qaaf is gaaf. So Qu'ran would Guran.
One distinct feature of most Omani dialects is the feminine -ish instead of Khaleeji -ich. This is a feature shared with Yemenis. Also, kaafs don't change, as in Khaleeji i.e. tomorrow is baakar, not baachar. Also, about the phonology: Omanis use long Khaleeji vowels, and also their 'ain and Ha are very hard sounding compared to that of non-Khaleejis.
Omani dialects also have a lot of Hindustani and Farsi lexicon.
One rather extensive linguistic volume on the subject states "The modern Arabic dialects of Oman form a structurally coherent group, distinguishable from those of the Gulf littoral on the one hand, and central Arabia on the other. None the less, Omani dialects can still be clearly sub-divided into two basic types: 'sedentary' (S) and 'bedouin' (B). "There is also, according to EI2, "a 'mixed' dialect which has both S and B elements," for example, in the coastal towns of the Bāṭina region (this, as the article states, includes the speech of Muscat). The article also says that the S dialects in many ways closely resemble "those of other ancient sedentary groups living on the periphery of the peninsula (Hadhramawt and Dathīna ... the Shi'i Baḥārna of eastern Arabia)."
Also, because of the grande cultural mix here in Oman, both regional aaaaaand (add in the Irani, Baluchi, Tanzanian, Portuguese, and Hindu mixes in Oman's history), Omanis use some different words than the standard Arabic and it can be funny to the student of only-a-little-arabic to notice the difference. You'll see a bit of hindi and swahili thrown in, as well as some Bedu:)
Straight ahead: English
Alatool: Arabic
Ceda: Omani Arabic
How are you?: English
Kayf al haal?: Arabic
Chef barak!: Omani Arabic
Cat: English
KitTa: Arabic
Senora: Omani Arabic
What: English
Ma: Arabic
Waish: Omani Arabic (or shu near UAE, and mu near Salalah)
I don't understand: English
La afham: arabic
Ma a'rif: Omani Arabic
No problem: English
La mushkila: Arabic
Ma mushkila: Omani Arabic
Saluting Design: An Army Of Military-Inspired Products & Modern Art.

above: American Flag by Dave Cole, made up of thousands of plastic Toy Soldiers and acrylic paint.
In honor of Memorial Day, here's a collection of modern art and fun furniture, jewelry and home decor that incorporate military related icons such as soldiers, tanks, bombs, missiles and more.

above: Memorial Flag of Toy Soldiers by Dave Cole (photo courtesy of the artist)

above: Memorial Flag of Toy Soldiers by Dave Cole (detail) (photo courtesy of the artist)

above: Artist Dave Cole with his American Flag (photo courtesy of the artist)

above: the Army Men Alphabet was created by student Oliver Munday for instuctors Nolen Stals and Bruce Willen at the Maryland Institute College of Art (photography by Jay Zukerkorn)

above: Six thousand Parts by artist Valerie Leonard is made 6,000 melted toy soldiers (photo courtesy of the artist)

above: Six thousand Parts by artist Valerie Leonard (detail) (photo courtesy of the artist)

above: Globe made of melted toy soldiers by artist Valerie Leonard (photo courtesy of the artist)

above: Jason Baalman glued 1,500 toy Army men to a camouflaged board to create a portrait of a soldier when viewed from above (photos courtesy of the artist)

above: The Peace Collection designed by Biaugust is comprised of a ceramic bomb vase, a ceramic grenade bank and a ceramic helmet bowl.
Just click on any of the above images for information, images and links to purchase.
Designers, artists and jewelers for items shown include:
Frank Kozik
Pharrell Williams
Chris Collicott
Daniel Loves Objects!
Mosley Meets Wilcox
La Tete au Cube
Stanislav Katz
Art Lebedev
Melanie Favreau
Peas, Corn & Tomato Sauce
Reiko Kaneko
Dave Cole
Christopher Deris
28 Biaugust
Valerie Leonard
Jason Baalman
Brad Sherwood for Joy Charbonneau
Joel Escalona
Happy Memorial Day!
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designer toys,
hip home decor,
modern art,
modern furniture,
product design,
Sunday, May 30, 2010
UNICEF report on women and children in Oman, 2006

The strategic plan prepared by Oman's Ministry of National Economy (MoNE) makes explicit provisions for the continued health of the welfare state, which underpins the well-being of Omani children. The major issues identified in this Situation Analysis include improving the database on children in order to allow a full range of monitoring of child rights, decreasing regional and gender disparities, institution building and community participation, and sustainability and Omanization of service provision while maintaining quality.
The Omani Dress Project

Frankincense, part 1

Dixie Chicks-Wide Open Spaces & Cowboy Take Me Away
Married their high school boyfriends
Moved into houses in the same ZIP codes
Where their parents live
But I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
I hit the highway in a pink RV with stars on the ceiling
Lived like a gypsy
Six strong hands on the steering wheel
I've been a long time gone now
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
But I've always found my way somehow
By taking the long way
Taking the long way around
Taking the long way
Taking the long way around
I met the queen of whatever
Drank with the Irish and smoked with the hippies
Moved with the shakers
Wouldn't kiss all the asses that they told me to
No I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
It's been two long years now
Since the top of the world came crashing down
And I'm getting' it back on the road now
But I'm taking the long way
Taking the long way around
I'm taking the long way
Taking the long way around
The long
The long way around
Well, I fought with a stranger and I met myself
I opened my mouth and I heard myself
It can get pretty lonely when you show yourself
Guess I could have made it easier on myself
But I, I could never follow
No I, I could never follow
Well, I never seem to do it like anybody else
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
If you ever want to find me I can still be found
Taking the long way
Taking the long way around
Taking the long way
Taking the long way around
Who I am-by Jessica Andrews
If I live to be a hundred
That'll be alright
If I don't make it to the big leagues
If I never win a Grammy
I'm gonna be just fine
Cause I know exactly who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
So when I make a big mistake
And when I fall flat on my face
I know I'll be alright
Should my tender heart be broken
I will cry those teardrops knowing
I will be just fine
Cause nothing changes who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know just where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I'm a saint and I'm a sinner
I'm a loser; I'm a winner
I am steady and unstable
I'm young, but I am able
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
I am Rosemary's granddaughter
The spitting image of my father
And when the day is done my momma's still my biggest fan
Sometimes I'm clueless and I'm clumsy
But I've got friends that love me
And they know where I stand
It's all a part of me
And that's who I am
That's who I am
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Dennis Hopper, Behind The Camera And The Canvas.

By now you've heard the sad news. Actor/writer/director Dennis Hopper has finally lost his battle with prostate cancer and passed away on Saturday, May 29th at the age of 74.
In the papers and magazines, you'll read about his troubled marriages, his drug addictions, his famous films that affected our culture like Easy Rider and Apocalypse Now. But the talented legend also leaves behind such a huge impact on the world of art and photography, he will be immortalized in many ways other than on celluloid -or digital, as the case may be.
In addition to the movies that made him a household name (Rebel Without A Cause, Giant, Easy Rider, Apocalypse Now, Blue Velvet, Hoosiers and tons more), the actor was an incredibly respected and prolific photographer, painter, activist and documentarian.

By the time you finish reading this very comprehensive post (you had better pee now) on his work behind the camera and canvas, you'll no longer think of him as Frank, the huffing villain in Blue Velvet, but instead may ask yourself "was Dennis Hopper also an actor?"

above: Dennis Hopper in front of his 2000 painting of his 1964 photo "Fractured Girl"
When it comes to being 'hip', Dennis Hopper was the epitome. Besides becoming buddies with uber cool actors such as James Dean, Peter Fonda, Jack Nicholson and Dean Stockwell in the 50s and 60s, he brought his camera to many of the film sets on which he was working and captured wonderful images of his fellow actors and musicians of the time.
Hopper's photos of Actors & Musicians
Paul Newman, 1964 and Bill Cosby (in front of Chateau Marmont), 1962:

Warhol's Factory, 1963:

Tuesday Weld, 1965:

Jane Fonda, 1965:

Dean Stockwell, 1964:

Brian Jones, 1965:

Jefferson Airplane, 1965:

The Grateful Dead, 1965:

Hopper's self-portraits
(as well as the one at the top of this post):

Man Within Light, self-portrait:

Hopper's photos of the Civil Rights March
When he was only 28, he traveled to Alabama to take part in—and document—the now famous civil-rights march from Selma to Montgomery led by Martin Luther King Jr. Here are a few of those images:

He began collecting contemporary art in the 50s and was enviably smack in the midst of the POP art scene. In the 60s he hung out with the likes of artists Andy Warhol and his Factory, Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, Claus Oldenburg and Ed Ruscha, to name a few.
Below are some of his portraits of these talented artists, many amongst their own work. He also turned several of these 1960's photographs into giant oil paintings later in his career, which are shown later in this post.
Hopper's photos of Fine Artists
Gallery owner Virgina Dawn, in front of a Franz Kline painting, 1962:

Andy Warhol, two different photos by Dennis Hopper, 1963:

Jasper Johns, 1964 and Claus Oldenberg, 1965:

Roy Lichtenstein, 1964:

Bruce Conner, 1964:

Bruce Conner in bath tub, 1964 and Donald Factor, grandson of Max factor, 1964:

Larry Bell, 1964:

Ed Ruscha, 1964:

James Rosenquist in front of his painting, 1964:

art dealer Robert Fraser in Tijuana, 1965:

Robert Rauschenberg, 1966:

David Hockney (with painting of his father), 2007:

He befriended art dealers, gallery owners and continued to mix with such well-known contemporary artists such as Damien Hirst and Julian Schnabel all his life.

above: Hopper's surrounded by his art collection which includes Warhols, Basquiat, Banksy, Rauschenbergs, and the plate painting by Julian Schnabel, amongst others. (photo from Telegraph UK)

above: Dennis received the skull for his 72nd birthday from artist Damien Hirst (photo from Telegraph UK)
The respect was mutual and several artists and photographers created their own portraits of Dennis Hopper.
Hopper by other Artists & Photographers
Julian Schnabel's Plate painting of Hopper:

Andy Warhol's Polaroids of Hopper:

Andy Warhol used his Polaroids of Dennis for various silkscreens, like the 1971 one below:

Vicktor Skrebneski, 1990:

Jerome Bonet, 2009:

Guy Webster:

Terry Richardson:

Hopper's silver Gelatin Prints
Hopper also photographed the world around him and made stunning silver gelatin prints of his editorial and voyeuristic photos of places and people.
Double Standard, 1961:

Daily News, 1961:

Biker Couple, 1961:

Biker, 1961:

Bad Heart (downtown Los Angeles), 1961:
Kennedy suite 1-8, 1963:

Fractured Girl (billboard), 1964:

Paris Woman, 1994:

Beginning in 2000, Hopper turned many of his earlier photos from the 60s into large scale oil paintings on vinyl. The installation shots below from Ace gallery give you an idea of the scale.

Large scale paintings of his photographs
Biker Couple as large scale oil painting, 2000:

Bill Cosby photograph as an oil painting, 2000:

Daily News Photo turned into Los Angeles Times oil painting, 2000:

Fractured Girl billboard as large scale oil painting, 2000:

Ed Ruscha photograph as an oil painting, 2002:

James Rosenquist photo as an oil painting, 2003:

His portrait of Warhol with flower as an oil painting, 2006:

miscellaneous works, prints, paintings and installations
After The Fall, 1961-1964:

Chevy painting, 1956:

Bad Heart, goldtone, 1988:

Untitled( shredded paper with tire), goldtone, 1988:

Space Triptych (at the Ace Gallery), 1996:

King Part Bust Trap, 1991-1997 installation at (the Ace Gallery):

Chevy 3D installation (at the Ace Gallery), 2000:

Hopper's Ilfachrome Prints
With an eye for beauty in even the most mundane things, from 1995- 1997 he also created a series of large (approx 4'2" by 6'3") ilfochrome (formally cibachrome) prints of building details, textures, posted leaflets and graffiti taken in Morocco, Florence, Venice, Osaka, Prague, Berlin and New York.

above: view of Hopper's ilfachrome exhibit at the Ace Gallery
Venice, Man Ray and Berlin, Chrome:

Prague, Stick and Florence, Capital:

Florence, Skull and Morocco, Terra Peel:

New York, UFO and Osaka, Black:

Venice, Plaster and Venice Walk, 7:

Nimes Red Figures, 1996:

images in this post are from numerous sources including Vanity Fair, Ace Gallery, Artnet, Taschen, Tony Shafrizi Gallery andArtslant
There is an upcoming retrospective of his work, curated by artist Julian Schnabel who was inspired by Hopper's fusion of art and film. MOCA, DENNIS HOPPER DOUBLE STANDARD, July 11 – September 26, 2010. Don't miss it.
Galleries that have much of the work shown in this post available for purchase:
•Tony Shafrazi Gallery
•Craig Krull Gallery
•ACE Gallery Beverly Hills
• David Lawrence Gallery
Several wonderful books feature collections of his work.

Books of Dennis Hopper's Photography available for purchase:
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