Cake, yes.
Fruit, definitely.
Ice cream, yeah.
Sushi, sure why not?
Blue poo.....huh?
That last one doesn't sound like it would be an ideal subject for women's fashion accessories but I've found a designer who can, in the words of Tim Gunn, "make it work."

Mary Winkler, the creative mind and talent behind Acrylicana, is a freelance illustrator and designer currently based in the Metro Detroit area.
Acrylicana specializes in jewelry, accessories, shoes, paper goods, toys, and much more.

Mary uses materials such as plastic, canvas and paint to make any items that can be printed, and occasionally sculpted, from her unique and humorous illustrations.
Many of the subjects for Acrylicana items are things we love like desserts, hearts and cute, girlie bows. However, there are also a few unconventional, less-than-desirable subjects such as coloured excrement and toilet paper, but Mary even manages to make those look totally cute and wearable!
In the Acrylicana Shop Announcement on Etsy, Mary tells her customers that "Handmade items are best when cared for as little treasures" and that is exactly what Acrylicana items are - little treasures.

Mary has been drawing, painting and crafting things since she could hold a crayon, so she says that Acrylicana is just an extention of that. The label is also the basis of her career as an illustrator and designer.

Mary draws inspiration for her Acrylicana designs from a specific group of art styles and well-known personalities.
"I simply love Erte, Charlie Harper, and Hugh Hefner. The design sense of Harper, the fabulous fashion and lovely ladies of Erte, and the business sense of Hef -- I aspire to combine that in my work and really, looking at it, need to push forth so much more with that in mind.
I also really get inspired by cartoons from the 30's and 40's, pop art from around the world, and fashion."

The price range of Acrylicana items currently in stock is from US$1 to US$120.
Visit the Acrylicana Etsy shop to see more delightful merchandise or to buy something of your own!
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